k-Lillith Homepage



Hi! I'm Mads and I run k-Lillith, an upcoming blog. I also have a twitter, which is linked at the top. I'm interested in the works of Nick Land, the CCRU, Immanuel Kant and other philosophers. I also have a list of things I either am reading, have read, or want to read also linked above.


Post 1: Artificiality and Humanity: Blade Runner and Personhood

"[[]] Heat. This is what cities mean to me. You get off the train and walk out of the station and you are hit with the full blast. The heat of air, traffic and people. The heat of food and sex. The heat of tall buildings. The heat that flows out of the subways and tunnels. It's always fifteen degrees hotter in the cities. Heat rises from the sidewalks and falls from the poisoned sky. The buses breathe heat. Heat emanates from crowds of shoppers and office workers, the entire infrastructure is based on heat, desperately uses up heat, breeds more heat. The eventual heat death of the universe that scientists love to talk about is already well underway and you can feel it happening all around you in any large or medium-sized city. Heat and wetness."- Nick Land, Meltdown, 1994